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Monthly Archives: September 2015

Time at James Price Point (JPP)

  Time at James Price Point (JPP) My good mate Watto and I decided to spend a day visiting this spectacular destination on the Dampier peninsula. We got away fairly early and turned onto the road to the Dampier peninsula and JPP. When we left the bitumen and rode onto the red dirt the immediate … Continue reading »

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Playing around Broome!

The days are flying by and there is just too much to do. When I got to Broome I went to the local Bicycle shop and hired a bike for a week. That way  I have transport for the little trips and I keep the exercise up. Every morning I am on the bike at … Continue reading »

Categories: 2015 Broome and the Dampier Peninsula | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


  I have had a lovely flight to Broome soaring above the clouds (check pic). There is an area south of Broome where the dunes in the landscape below look like a milky color sea. The dunes below look like the swells on the sea. I tried to take pictures, but they did not come … Continue reading »

Categories: 2015 Broome and the Dampier Peninsula | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

2015 Trip to Broome and the Dampier Peninsula

  I had not been to this most beautiful part of Australia for 2 years now. The time has come to visit some good mates up there once more. It is generally accepted that Broome is the southern end of the Kimberley region in the north west of Australia. For my money the Kimberley region … Continue reading »

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