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Tagged With: sunset

Day 7 – Doing the Tanami track to Broome.

Day 7  -  Doing the Tanami track to Broome.   The next morning I had a quick breakfast; Weetbix  (what else). Then it was back into the car and grinding along the dirt track. The corrugations were getting worse and worse. Like everybody I was concentrating on the road ahead to ensure that I slowed … Continue reading »

Categories: 2012 Outback Trip -- North West Australia, Travel Diary | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


  I have had a lovely flight to Broome soaring above the clouds (check pic). There is an area south of Broome where the dunes in the landscape below look like a milky color sea. The dunes below look like the swells on the sea. I tried to take pictures, but they did not come … Continue reading »

Categories: 2015 Broome and the Dampier Peninsula | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Looking at Rockhampton

  Locals call this town Rocky. As has been said earlier, Rocky has a population around 85,000.  It is a nice size town, but surprises in how neat it is being kept by the local council. It has a lot of ‘old world’ charm. The town center has a large shady main street that is … Continue reading »

Categories: 2015 – The Great Winter Escape | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off