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Mildura Bound

Posted by on October 8, 2014

, We left Winterwood and traveled along the Calder highway to Mildura.  500 km later an exhausted family reached Mildura. The country side improves remarkably as you get nearer this lager rural center in NW Victoria. As you get closer to Mildura, the number of cultivated properties bursting with budding vines, mandarins and oranges,  increases and the landscape greens up beautifully. Grain and fodder crops abound, all the way into South Australia.

We booked into the Apex caravan park which is situated in a National Park along the banks of the Murray River as it snakes lazily through the landscape. The park has good clean facilities and is run by friendly staff. For us it was great to understand that they are pet friendly as our two Spoodles, Zack and Lexie are on holiday as well. We could not miss the lunar eclipse that night. It was awesome, but hard to get a decent picture of as there was some cloud in the sky

Hole-in-one tree at Apex Caravan Park

Hole-in-one tree at Apex Caravan Park


Wheat-fields everywhere! From Victoria to South Australia

Wheat-fields everywhere!
From Victoria to South Australia


Paddle Steamer on the Murray

Paddle Steamer on the Murray

4 Responses to Mildura Bound

  1. Ann

    John and I would just LOVE a trip like this

  2. Bella

    absolutely gold, having a few glasses of wine for us. How are the dogs enjoying the traveling. Lots of love to you both. Enjoy and enjoy some more

    • stevie

      Hey thanks for the wishes. We are working on the wine consumption. haha.

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