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Posted by on October 9, 2014

We’re off to explore the Mildura town area. The walking track along the Murray River is well developed and passes through grassy parks with lawns and plants that are well watered. I guess you would expect this along the Murray. We were passed by a few paddle steamers that seemed to drag us into an era of 100 years ago.We ended up in town on Deakin Street where we came across an eating/coffee strip that offers al-fresco service. The coffee was great and we will have another one before we leave Mildura. The people at the table next to us also had a Spoodle so the dogs did some catching up as well.

The Boss Spoodle

The Boss Spoodle

Later in the afternoon we had a swim in the river next to our caravan park. Along the Murray there are pockets of clean beach sand on the banks. There are even flocks of seagulls. The only thing missing is the crashing of the surf, but we will get heaps of that when we hit the Yorke Peninsula later on this trip. In the evening we had a slow barbie at the caravan. The sizzling of the sausages and patties was interspersed by sips of beer and a yak with the ‘good lady’ and doleful looks from the pooches psyching me into giving them a sossy as well. All in all, a great day.

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