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Tin Can Bay stuff

Posted by on July 30, 2017

The little town is situated on the mainland opposite the southern tip of Fraser Island. There are many twists and turns to get to this little town from the open ocean. One sails up the channel around some mudflats; into an inlet and up a creek into the tidal Burnett River. When you look around it seems so old worlde that you expect to meet Huckleberry Finn. There are many houseboats sailing boats and tinnies nestled into every nook and cranny. Just beautiful, quiet and relaxing. A good many of the boats have people living on them..

Easy life amongst  the mangroves up a creek somewhere around Tin Can

Easy life amongst the mangroves up a creek somewhere around Tin Can

Tin Can this and that 011

Livin on the boat in the mangrove swamps

Livin on the boat in the mangrove swamps

I could do with that one

I could do with that one

Huckleberry Finn existence. On the mud-flat at low tide

Huckleberry Finn existence. On the mud-flat at low tide


Idyllic life in the creeks

Idyllic life in the creeks

We have been looking at some of the older houses that have sprung up over time close to the mangroves. Some are full of charm and character. One of these ‘Swamp Shacks’ is shown below.

Swamp shack at the edge of the mangroves

Swamp shack at the edge of the mangroves

More swamp shack

More swamp shack

Tin Can this and that 006     Whilst cycling around the area one meets the inevitable flock of Pelicans waiting for a feed when the fishermen return.

Waiting for the fishing boats and a feed

Waiting for the fishing boats and a feed

The next thing I have to line up (hope you get the pun), is some fishing. At low tide the mud/sand flats are exposed. So I will get my yabby pump and a bucket to find some bait for a fishing trip.

Rainbow Beach and others 007 Rainbow Beach and others 008 Rainbow Beach and others 006

Mangrove closeup

Mangrove closeup

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