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The first days at McLaren Vale

Posted by on October 30, 2014

The Vale is a part of the Fleurieu Peninsula south of Adelaide.

We decided to explore the Adelaide beaches as we had never been there on previous visits to Adelaide. We picked Brighton and Glenelg as they are beautiful sea-side suburbs. Brighton is really neat and green and has lovely homes with great gardens. The cafes are trendy and we sat down for a hot ‘flat white’. The beaches are well maintained with good infrastructure.


Where is the coffee?

Where is the coffee?

Brighton Pier

Brighton Pier



Brighton beach  looking onto the next suburb

Brighton beach looking onto the next suburb

Glenelg was the next place we stopped off at. Lots of Apartment buildings on the beach and a small boat marina made this place look very Yuppy. We returned back south to McLaren Vale via some beach suburbs and stopped off at Maslin Beach. Here we took the dogs for a swim and had a great walk along the beach. We thought we saw one guy frolicking in the surf without his swimming trunks. On our return to the caravan park we found out that Maslin beach is a known nudist beach; hahaha.


Glenelg Beach front

Glenelg Beach front

As we had a few hours left to the afternoon we went off to do some wine tasting. A friend had recommended some good wineries that we now looked up. At both the wines were excellent. In fact I tasted some of the best Shiraz I have ever tasted. As a bonus the area is spectacularly scenic; see pics of gardens at Corlio wines and Samuel Gorge wines.


Corlio's gardens

Corlio’s gardens

McLaren Vale 015 20141030_164715 (2)

The gardens and flowers here at the McLarenVale wineries are some of the best I have ever seen.



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