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Some more McLaren notes

Posted by on November 2, 2014

This morning we decided to revisit Willunga which is only a few kilometers away. The Saturday market was in full swing when we arrived, but very crowded. After looking around we decided to have a coffee and croissant at the Café Terre, a coffee shop styled on the old world French look and feel. This included the toilet which was an ’outhouse’ located in the café gardens.

Cafe Terre

Cafe Terre


What an 'Outhouse'.

What an ‘Outhouse’.

When I walked back from the outhouse I came across this young Sprite guarding some dogs (J)


Must be a Lavender Sprite!

Must be a Lavender Sprite!

On our last day at our caravan park we saw what must be the ultimate touring rig. When is Xmas??? The Camper was towing a special trailer that had a toolbox for storage, space to park a Suzuki Vitara and hold a Tinnie and a motor. There was a special device to lower the Tinnie to the ground. Wow, enough to make your mouth water.

Dear Father Christmas, I have been a good boy all year......

Dear Father Christmas, I have been a good boy all year……

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