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Beautiful Robe

Posted by on November 4, 2014

3/11 We loaded up all loose items once again and took off for a little place called Tailem Bend only 110km away. Once there, on the spur of the moment, we decided to push on to Robe. This is another 235km further south.

The road south was interesting as it travels along the Coorong which is an inland lake system that exists parallel with the dunes and the sea from Kingston to the Murray river mouth, around 150 km. There are scenic spots that overlook the lakes in a number of places. Years ago I took my sons camping and fishing along this stretch of coast.

Closer to Robe the countryside looked even better with forests and wineries lining the highway. Every now and then there were grain fields and paddocks growing hay. It’s very agricultural down here.

Robe 004

Part of Robe, nestled into the hillside

Robe 006

Decided to buy this one — only kidding!


Robe is a picturesque seaside tourist resort with a long beach northwards that gets you to Cape Jaffa at the low tide. During summer the population swells from a few thousand to 10,000 people. It used to have a Hippie feel about it years ago. These days there has been a lot of development and it sports a harbour for recreational and commercial fishing craft. There has been new development all over the place.

New Age lighthouse at Robe

New Age lighthouse at Robe

We booked in at the Sea Vu caravan park. This park certainly lives up to its name. It is situated on a small hill close to town and offers views, of the Robe bay all the way to Cape Jaffa, from most of the sites. In fact the views must be some of the best sea views from any caravan park in Australia.

Sea Vu Caravan park from the Marina

Sea Vu Caravan park from the Marina


Today the wind blew up a storm. So we did some sightseeing. Travelling around Robe we came across the Marina and at the point of the bay we saw a beautiful Nature sculpture called ‘Doorway Rock’ where wind and water had eroded a passage through the sandstone to create the illusion of a door.


Doorway rock

Doorway rock

The Robe Marina

The Robe Marina

The new and modern lighthouse is fully automated and even looks good. We found a way onto the beach at Long beach where one can drive on sand, next to the ocean for 30+ kilometres. As the bay is shallow it provides safe swimming most of the time. Here Dawn and the dogs had a run around in the strong wind and driving sand, crazy.


Navara, 10km up the beach at Robe

Navara, 10km up the beach at Robe

Family having fun

Family having fun

Commercial Fisherman returning with day's catch

Commercial Fisherman returning with day’s catch

When we returned to Robe we visited the ‘Wild Mulberry’ Café. The name is derived from the mulberries that grow around the building. We had some really good coffee and a ‘Doorstop’ bacon and egg sandwich with relish and melted cheese. Yum that was good. The toasted bread was thick and marbled. Yum again! Tonight we will go out to the local hotel once more for some good food and a glass of wine.



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