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Some more Yeppoon notes and pics

Sunset at the Tropic of Capricorn
Posted by on August 16, 2015


We have been knocking around the neighborhood the last few days. That includes one or two beach walks a day. Last night we sat on the beach just before sunset and had a few frosties as the sun went down. Very relaxing.

The day before I was at Yeppoon harbor and took this interesting picture of the harbor at lowtide. It looked very funny with all the boats resting on the mud bank of the creek at lowtide. Turns out that the harbor is made up by a small creek. Turns out that the general water depth is pretty shallow all along this coast. The tidal differences are large.

Yeppoon Harbour and North Beach 003 Yeppoon Harbour and North Beach 004 Yeppoon Harbour and North Beach 005 Yeppoon Harbour and North Beach 013 Yeppoon Harbour and North Beach 014


Once the tide comes along again everything looks normal. You’d never guess that  the water was so shallow.

Sundry pics 001 Sundry pics 002 Sundry pics 003

To the north of Yeppoon the main beach becomes the Farnborough Beach which continues on for 20km and terminates at a natural bay where the Fishing creek runs into the sea. There is a beach access where we got onto the beach and drove to Corio Bay. Just great to have a decent drive on a beach again; makes you feel so good and free.

Yeppoon Harbour and North Beach 018


Yeppoon Harbour and North Beach 019 Yeppoon Harbour and North Beach 023 Capricorn Coast 017 Farnborough Beach and Corio Bay 006 Farnborough Beach and Corio Bay 007 Farnborough Beach and Corio Bay 008 Farnborough Beach and Corio Bay 009

There was a bush fire burning vigorously which cast a pall of smoke over the coast.

Farnborough Beach and Corio Bay 004 Farnborough Beach and Corio Bay 010 Farnborough Beach and Corio Bay 011


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