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Tagged With: adventure

Trip to Childers

Trip to Childers The next day (9/7) we had a look at the little town of Childers. Although smaller than Bundaberg, this town is a little gem. There are a number of historical monuments/memorials. The link below lists some points of interest for the local area. and   also,_Queensland   also     … Continue reading »

Categories: 2015 – The Great Winter Escape | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Trip to Bundaberg

  On Thursday 8 July we decided to explore the town of Bundaberg. It is around 57km from Woodgate on a winding road through the sugarcane fields. ‘Makes sense, I thought, how else does one get the base fuel for the lovely Bundy Rum’.  The main street of Bundaberg is beautifully renovate with heaps of … Continue reading »

Categories: 2015 – The Great Winter Escape | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


On the first of July we headed north once more to a lovely beach town by the name of Woodgate. It is located on the mainland just north of northern the tip of Fraser Island and just south of Bundaberg. It has a magnificent beach that 4x4s are allowed on and is many kilometers long … Continue reading »

Categories: 2015 – The Great Winter Escape | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


The morning of 30/6 we departed for Caloundra on the Sunshine coast. We were amazed by how busy everything was. Even the caravan park was packed like a can of sardines. The area is really nice but very built up all the way up and down the coast and a few kilometers inland. It’s very … Continue reading »

Categories: 2015 – The Great Winter Escape | Tags: , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Byron Bay

We had finally reached the coast of northern New South Wales and with it a more temperate climate than that in Victoria. We stayed at the Beaches caravan park. Great, generous sites for caravans with big trees to offer shade during the day. All day the brush turkeys we scratching around and running for bits … Continue reading »

Categories: 2015 – The Great Winter Escape | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Getting to the warmer climate!

Saturday morning, 20/6/15, we left Winterwood and made our way onto the Hume highway. The Navara towed beautifully and we did not even feel we were towing a caravan most of the time. We headed towards Albury – Wodonga with the target for the day being Wagga Wagga. We were quite exited on the start … Continue reading »

Categories: 2015 – The Great Winter Escape | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

2015 – The Great Winter Escape

  Victoria is cold in the winter; especially the Victorian highlands north of Melbourne where we live. Last year we had the worst winter in 20 years and we froze our butts off. So, this year we got smart. Stay away, travel north for the cold months June to September. Go where it is warmer. … Continue reading »

Categories: 2015 – The Great Winter Escape | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


6/11  As we started packing up in Robe we saw one of our neighbors move their caravan from one site to another. Instead of packing the annex of the caravan they just undid the pegs, picked up the tent and towed it to the new sites. How novel! I have heard of walking the dog, … Continue reading »

Categories: 2014 - Oct/Nov South Australia trip | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

A Lesson in what not to do when camping:

  I am smart, right? When we go caravaning I use my fridge in the caravan to store and chill produce. I also use my portable Engel 40l fridge as a freezer and it lives in my truck. That is good planning as I run it at -10 degrees from a deep cycle battery and … Continue reading »

Categories: 2014 - Oct/Nov South Australia trip | Tags: , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Beautiful Robe

3/11 We loaded up all loose items once again and took off for a little place called Tailem Bend only 110km away. Once there, on the spur of the moment, we decided to push on to Robe. This is another 235km further south. The road south was interesting as it travels along the Coorong which … Continue reading »

Categories: 2014 - Oct/Nov South Australia trip | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment