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Tagged With: country

Exploring the Noosa Hinterland

Exploring the Noosa Hinterland   It was another glorious day when we set out to explore the hinterland of the Rainbow Beach and Noosa areas. We turned south from the Gympie road toward Kin Kin. The road is in good condition with bitumen through the fertile valleys and gravel through the rolling hills. Rain forests … Continue reading »

Categories: 2017 - Queensland - The Fraser Coast, Travel Diary | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Northern Yorke Peninsula

22/10  Another day of exploring ! We decided to have a look around the northern Yorke Peninsula. After looking at the map and the local brochures we decided to drive to Moonta and Moonta Bay, Port Hughes, Wallaroo (which, by the way, is local aboriginal dialect for Wallaby pee (:-)  ) and lastly Kadina. This … Continue reading »

Categories: 2014 - Oct/Nov South Australia trip | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment