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Exploring the Yeppoon Coast

Posted by on July 28, 2015

Exploring the Yeppoon Coast.

Views from Yeppon!

Yeppoon is built across a number of hills. They offer excellent views in many directions; see below.


Rosslyn Harbor, where the ferry to Great Keppel departs.




The Great Dividing Range snakes its way up the Australian east coast 50 – 150km inland. Close to Rockhamton a few tentacles separate and reach towards the north east. They reach the coast in the Yeppoon region and disappear into the Pacific Ocean. This makes for a hilly coastline with lush vegetation and grand vistas as far as the eye can see. The ranges do surface out of the sea every now and then as a myriad of islands, the best being the Great Keppel island. Wherever you look there are islands of varying sizes.


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006s Great Keppel island

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The name ‘Yeppoon’ is aboriginal for thunder or roaring noise. See early history at:


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We have been here for a week now. Done some driving around Yeppoon and the coast south. Great place and beautiful with more than 50 island visible. It’s called  the Capricorn coast as it is just north of then tropic. As a result it is beautifully warm here in winter. Temparatures range mid to high twenties every day and in the afternoon the cool breezes start.

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We are staying at the Coolwaters  Holiday Resort. They have cabins and powered/unpowered sites. There are some permanents as well. They are located around 12 kilometers south of Yeppoon. I can strongly recommend this place. It is very well run and looked after. It has a mini Water World for the kids and the older kids (:-)  There are the other usual entertainment assets like Jumping Pillow, Tennis Court and even a BMX circuit for the slightly older kids. They have a number of fire pits where residents can light a fire to share with others and have a yarn. The resort borders the Causeway Lake and inlet and the fishing is good.

The staff are very friendly and the park is well run being constantly maintained….Do I need to say more?? Great place to stay, especially at weekly rates!

We will remain here for a good few more weeks.



Crab Art or Aboriginal Art

We love going for beach walks, Dawn, Lexie (dog) and I..It imbues you with a sense of freedom and calms the spirit. All over the beaches up here there is this beach art visible at low tide, see pic below. It is caused by the tiny Ghost crabs coming out of their holes as the waters recede. They then filter the surface mud for food and leave behind these round little balls of mud that radiated in all directions from their hole in the beach. The high tide then comes and washes it all away. The next low tide sees the play being repeated. It is just beautiful.


Now if you just zoom a bit into the picture it seems to me that I am looking at a piece of Aboriginal art. Many or most Aboriginal paintings use the myriad of little balls/dots to make a larger beautiful picture. Often the theme of the picture is circular in nature. Could it be that our ancient people got their inspiration from natural events such as this Crab Art???

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Happiness is;

Happiness is a beautiful view, a thumping southeast wind banging into the hills and a bum firmly lodged into a sling as you ride the airwaves like a bird. Doesn’t get much better!!

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Chilled out camping.

Looks like Hippies staying overnight at the resort.

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Green palm tree stumps

Interesting to see that trunks of Palm trees generate a sugary sap once they have been cut down. This attracts the fruit flies a lot of which get stuck in the goo.

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Waiting for fish to jump out of the water and surrender.

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The cake and tea shop

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The Lady of the Manor;- I mean Caravan!

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Mangroves everywhere

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If you look around south of Yeppoon there is a swag full of bays and little townships. Most of them are attractive. Most have great beaches and they are not overrun.

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When I came around the corner on this beach I was startled by what I saw. At first glance it looked like a heap of skulls lying on the beach, A second look revealed that indeed it was coconuts that had been deposited here by the currents over time.

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Some  of the houses are not too shabby!

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