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Tagged With: Yeppoon

A Little Bit of History

  If you were to draw a line from Rockhampton to Yeppoon and then to Emu Park (and Zielzie) and back to Rocky, you’d have put a border around some of the most scenic and interesting countryside in Queensland. There are a number of geological features called ‘plugs’ where rocky outcrops appear to have been … Continue reading »

Categories: 2015 – The Great Winter Escape, Travel Diary | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Exploring the Yeppoon Coast

Exploring the Yeppoon Coast. Views from Yeppon! Yeppoon is built across a number of hills. They offer excellent views in many directions; see below.   The Great Dividing Range snakes its way up the Australian east coast 50 – 150km inland. Close to Rockhamton a few tentacles separate and reach towards the north east. They … Continue reading »

Categories: 2015 – The Great Winter Escape | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

On to Rockhampton and Yeppoon

  After a week out in the sticks at Baffle Creek we were ready to move on to our next destination. This was Yeppoon 330km further north. We had enjoyed ourselves in Baffle Creek, walking along deserted beaches and living in a quiet caravan park. The beaches were cluttered with trees from the recent cyclone. … Continue reading »

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